Why Meditate? Why Gods & Goddesses?
“The Gods and Goddesses of myth, legend and fairytale represent archetypes, real potencies and potentialities deep within the psyche, which, when allowed to flower permit us to be more fully human." Margot Adler
I have always been fascinated by the myths and legends containing Gods and Goddesses ever since I learned about the Greek Pantheon over 15 years ago. The archetypes, the lessons they teach, the guidance they can give in your own life; many reasons why I like to work with them. It's why I started a series of Max Meditation System™ involving their essence. Each one focuses on a different God or Goddess from a different pantheon with ties to their areas of expertise and responsibility. Using their sacred animal, or place, or plants to give you a sense of their energy, a taste of their essence.
This is delivered through Max Meditation System™. This meditation was created by Founder Gudni Gudnason of the Modern Mystery School to teach people how to truly meditate. It is a fusion of ancient techniques of Yoga combined with Psychology and Neruo-linguistics. This hour long meditation is composed of five components to help people achieve relaxation and a quiet mind. In 2018, I became certified as a Life Activation Practitioner and became certified to lead Max Meditation System™ to everyone. This meditation is perfect for beginners or experienced practitioners.
Currently, I joined with other Life Activation Practitioners and on Monday nights we're offering two times: 6 & 7 PM PST. We rotate our Max Meditation System™, each with our own themes and energy; making each night unique. If you're interested in seeing who is hosting and what the theme of the night you can see each meditation posted on Facebook or Meetup .
You can register for any of the Max Meditation System™ we're leading down below: in-person at Empowerful Life Center in Phoenix, AZ or through Online on Zoom. Both are available for $10 to support the rotating instructor. If you have any questions you can fill out a contact form or email me .